Trash Cessna Citation N508CC !

Photographer: Jean-Michel Lefebvre ©
: May 24 & 25, 1972
: 135 B&W negatives
: 1972 Cannes International General Aviation Exhibit
: Cannes
: France

: Never accept that a professional photographer give back your processed negs with such stains or scratches which are not on picture O or 37 in your cartrige but current N°6 or 18...
Never accept that after passing in Press offices people can give you back all your negs they used with so much scratches... It required 1h 48' to save this picture such as seen in 01, and the about 120 negs to restaure asked more than 190 hours...and time to funeral of my beloved mouse who thousand and thousand times restaured all the missing bits and suppressed all the undesired ones ...
Alleluia !


I was ready to throw to trash the three rolls of negs concerning Istres FAS & CEV Flight Test Center, and also the four rolls of the 1972 Cannes Light and General Aviation Exhibit. As they were historical materials I attempted to restaure the few which seemed " possible to publish " with the hope to complete an issue of 41 pictures. And this became a challenge to save ALL the pictures. Except a few being to work a little more, I succeeded in doing the job at the cost of the considerable amount of 320 hours, chronometer as witness. Though results are far to be fairly good, they are of great value for me because, except a few pictures taken here and there, I never was attracted to photography aircraft which I only loved to pilot...!!!
The Cessna picture for this Edito is not here to show you I have some capabilities to work with PhotoSuite, I find it better than Photoshop for this kind of task, and the photo is by far not the worst, but to engage you when a Pro give you something like either after preocessing or after use to illustrate some paper in a mag, you may ask him to do the rescue work or to pay you for the many hours to spend in order that all ends well for your treasure pictures...