The Super Mystère Collection

Mirage III B, Cn 205, now for a stop at Luxeuil Air Base which housed, since 1st February 1966, Mirage IVs of nuclear strategic 3/94 'Arbois' Squadron and so was very often visited by the various aircraft of the Bordeaux based CIFAS 328. This particular aircraft, the fifth production Mirage two seater, flew with 13th Fighter Wing squadrons as 13-QQ at EC 1/13 'Artois' and 13-PX at EC 2/13 'Alpes', with 2nd FW as 2-FE at ET 3/2 'Côte d'Or' which became the universal Mirage conversion squadron (for French and Foreigners) after that all two seaters had been taken from operational Mirage III squadrons. This aircraft also flew as 94-DL , depending then of 94th Bomber Wing of Strategic Air Forces and used mainly for blind flying training and also for communications alongside other types as Dassault 312 Flammants and Fouga Magisters.